Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Distance MBA program

What is a distance MBA program?

Definition of distance MBA:
An MBA program in which course content can be imparted without your physical presence in a class falls into the category of a distance MBA program.

Why would anyone choose an MBA distance program?

For experienced professionals experiencing an MBA education in another geographic location, the option of a full-time or part-time MBA program can be ruled out considering that at this time, you would be well settled with a family and take a break from work Or relocating to a new location for a year or two would bring several interruptions.

Executive MBA programs come with an abrupt price tag. You should also consider the additional costs involved in traveling to attend the sessions. This may not be a viable option for many.

Given that most other options are ruled out, the most practical as well as economical alternative for these people would be an MBA distance program.

Distance MBA program

What are the other advantages of a distance MBA program?

1. A program of this type would save you the opportunity cost you would have if you were unemployed for a year or two you would spend doing your full-time MBA.

2. If the case of an international MBA program, the cost of a distance MBA program would be much lower compared to a full-time MBA. Tuition rates would be lower; You would also be saving on the cost of living in an international location and other associated costs.

3. These programs usually have a flexible schedule. It allows you the convenience of completing course requirements while continuing your professional engagements. If you need a break due to your work pressure or account for any personal reason, usually your program should allow that. For example, at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, you can complete the program in as little as 18 or 36 months.

4. Even if you change your location or have travel involved, it is possible to continue with your program.

5. You can apply the business concepts you learn in your workplace.

Dan Bursch, director of the online MBA at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School is of the opinion that the number of online MBA program would continue to take control and evolve and it will not be long before you see half of the top 20 business schools that Have their MBA programs online.

What are the different types of distance MBA programs?

Prior to the emergence of online MBA programs, correspondence courses were popular where printed material would be delivered to you. This would require a lot of dedication on your part as self-study would be involved. In addition to course material, there may be some audio / video learning aids to aid the learning process. In the end, you would be assessed through assignments and exams. This mode of delivery is still in use in India.

Technology has revolutionized the delivery methods of distance education. MBA distance in the form of online MBA and MBA hybrid is gaining popularity with reputed b international schools offering these programs. The hybrid MBA programs differ from an online MBA as they would have some element on campus (multiple immersion experiences) in addition to online delivery of content used by online MBA programs.

What online delivery methods do these programs use?

Usually, the online MBA component consists of a mixture of asynchronous and synchronous course work.

Synchronous courses are the live sessions where you can interact with your teachers and classmates thus simulating a real classroom. For this, the participating teachers and students must be online at the same time. Through videoconferencing, live class sessions can be held with the teacher and several students who can participate and participate in the discussions. Class sizes are generally kept small to ensure a better learning environment.

Such sessions are held at periodic intervals, usually once (or more) per week covering the course work for that period. The only requirement to take such sessions is an Internet connection and a webcam. Such interactive sessions can also be recorded so you can view them at a later date.

There can also be one-on-one interactions with your instructor or feedback sessions.

Synchronous chat rooms allow multiple users to log in and have a text chat.

Asynchronous learning includes reading material, videos, presentations, case studies, assignments, tests that you can access at your convenience and complete at your own pace.

Depending on your preferences, there may be students who vote for synchronous sessions considering active participation and derived learning by sharing thoughts and experiences and the opportunity to get to know their classmates better.

Some may not be able to attend these live sessions due to their hectic work schedule.

On the other hand, there may be others who attest to the asynchronous courses as you are able to take without much pressure and these sessions are more relaxed and offer more time to think, understand diverse concepts, and form your opinion or come up with any response.

Even an online MBA program can have a residency component. These sessions can be held on campus or elsewhere so that students can mingle with their lot partners and form lasting relationships. So you need to check out where these sessions are held. Many students look forward to this opportunity to network with faculty, staff, classmates, and possibly alumni during these visits.

What are the admission requirements for an international distance MBA program?

International programs may offer multiple entries (either a fall and spring entry or rolling admissions) for the distance MBA program.

Admission requirements are not standardized and will vary depending on the school.

Although there is a perception that for an online MBA, no GMAT or GRE score is required, this can not be applied to all schools. A GMAT / GRE score is required for United States reputed b schools for candidates with lesser work experience. However, this requirement can be eliminated for professionals with more work experience. In addition, the rest of the components: MBA essays, letters of recommendation and interviews may also be required as part of the application process. International candidates may also have to take IELTS or TOEFL.

However, there are good distance MBA programs that have a mandatory minimum experience requirement, where no GMAT score should be submitted.

How do I know that the program I choose is a reputed one?

Check if the academic standards of the MBA program are of high quality. Here are a few things you can include in your checklist:

Is the course content for the online MBA the same as the full-time or part-time college program offered?
Do you offer the same degree / diploma as the full-time program?

What are the entry requirements to enter the program? A good program adheres to certain entry criteria in order for the best candidates to join.
Are the live sessions being taken by the same faculty as the full-time / part-time MBA?

Does b-school have an AACSB (Association for Advancement in Collegiate Business Schools) accreditation? This accreditation ensures that the university adheres to high quality standards and meets strict guidelines. According to the official AACSB website, less than 5% of the more than 16,000 schools worldwide awarding business titles have been awarded AACSB accreditation. These schools are the best choice among recruiters as well.
Other international accreditations include the AMBA (Association of MBAs), EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System and for Indian MBAs, you can look for DEC recognition.

What type of career services does the university provide?

What is the college graduation rate for the online MBA program?

What is the scope of the program in terms of networking opportunities offered? How does the university allow you to bond with your classmates and alumni?

You can check the distance online several MBA rankings to compare the various programs to find out what is in store for you.

How Good is an MBA Distance Program? Are there any disadvantages associated with it?

Networking is one of the top takeaways of an MBA program. A distance MBA program offers limited opportunities for networking. Check how much of the network your MBA program is able to offer. Make the best use of any residency opportunity. Live sessions also provide an interactive platform for you to get to know others and engage in conversations. Group projects also offer an excellent opportunity to have close interaction with peers and develop strong bonds.

Second, although there is a change in perception with good schools b offering distance MBA programs, there may be recruiters who may have their own biases and consider it of secondary importance.

What are MOOCs? How do they differ from an MBA distance program?

MOOC stands for "Massive Open Online Course". The content of the course, which includes video lectures, quizzes, individual and group assignments and exams, is available free of charge. You can design your own course structure and decide which course you want to take. However, unlike an MBA distance program that will grant you an MBA / diploma degree you can make use of, the MOOC does not confer an MBA degree. However, MOOCs are a good way to gain knowledge in several areas with which you are unfamiliar.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

U.S. News’ 2017 Ranking Of The Best Online MBAs

U.S. News’ 2017 Ranking Of The Best Online MBAs

U.S. News’ 2017 Ranking Of The Best Online MBAs
Temple University’s Fox School of Business in Philadelphia

For the third consecutive year, the University of Temple's Fox Business School (January 10) MBA online program won first place in the ranking of the best MBA in the United States. To claim the title, Fox's $ 59,760 program again surpassed several prestigious business schools, with programs that cost much more, including Carnegie Mellon, Indiana University, University of North Carolina and University of South California. 

Most of those schools were not far from Fox in the new ranking. The Carnegie Mellon $ 122,880 online program came in second, climbing four times from sixth place a year ago, while the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University ranked third, the Kenan-Flagler Business School Of UNC was fourth and the Hough Business School of the University of Florida took the No. 5 spot. 

Among the top 24 ranked schools, there are some notable changes. The University of Maryland's online MBA program, which had been removed from the 2016 rankings based on "communications between the school and the US news," made a comeback to the ninth place ranking. The USC online program, unclassified last year, came in 12th in a tie with three other schools. Otherwise, the biggest winner near the top was the online program on the University of Wisconsin campus in Whitewater, increasing 11 places to finish 16 of 29 a year earlier.


Among the greatest depressions? Cleveland State University saw its online MBA drop 27 places year after year to a 47th rank from the 20th in 2016. Lehigh University online offer fell 16 places to finish with a 21, below eighth rank in 2016. As is typical of all rankings, the lower on the list one goes, the more dramatic are the gains and losses. The Brock Business School at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, jumped 85 places to take 72nd place at 157, while the Louisiana State School of Business jumped 58 places to finish 47th from 105th.

Online MBA, at least in most of the best schools, are gaining more traction. At UNC's Kenan-Flager business school, tuition jumped to 1,047 this year from 782 the previous year. At the University of Texas at Dallas, enrollment increased to 325 students from 272, while the acceptance rate of their online MBA program dropped to 39% from 50% in the past year. Schools ranked with the top 11 now have a combined enrollment of 4,354 students, while the 26 schools ranked with 263 students work toward their online MBAs.


U.S. News’ 2017 Ranking Of The Best Online MBAs
Darin Kapanjie, managing director of online
and digital learning at Fox
This is the fifth time the United States has classified MBA online, having debuted its classification in 2013. When Temple first entered in 2015, the school was in a dead tie with Kelley and UNC. Fox has claimed for the first time on his own for two consecutive years in the most viewed ranking when the field of online options has become increasingly crowded. "Being recognized as No. 1 for three consecutive years is truly an honor given the competition," says Darin Kapanjie, managing director of online and digital learning at Fox.

Despite the inevitable arguments about its graduation methodology, US News boasts one of only two credible rankings of online MBA options. The other list that the Financial Times can defend is much more limited with only 15 ranked schools. In total, U.S. News now ranks 180 online MBA programs, although the magazine lists no other numerical range of 75 business schools with online options in the United States.

At a time when competition for online students has warmed up, with several schools now offering discount classes to applicants through scholarships, the new ranking is destined to get more attention. Like the emergence of "fake news" in the recent political campaign, a number of "fake rankings" in the online field have emerged in recent years. Many of these are efforts by hurriedly assembled web site builders to get a referral commission for students leading to certain school programs. They mix highly credible programs with third-level offers in the hopes of convincing applicants to go to schools with lower quality programs (see Why a Goat Farmer Ranks Business Schools).


The US news ranking. (28% of the weight), selectivity of admissions (25%), reputation of peers (25%), 11% ), And student technology and services (11%). In each category, several metrics are taken into account. In admission selectivity, for example, assigns a 40% weight to the average GMAT and GRE scores of the incoming students, 20% of the average class average, 20% of the acceptance and finally 20% experience."

This last metric is based on three equally weighted parts: The degree to which work experience and undergraduate business courses are required; If applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation, including one from a professional contact; And the percentage of new participants sponsored by an employer. In effect, US news arbitrarily penalizes schools that require only two recommendation letters or schools whose students are not sponsored.

Despite what may seem a large number of rigorous metrics, the ups and downs of the schools in the ranking are considerable. Almost half (45) of the 104 best schools experienced double digit increases or decreases, many of them moving for 20 or more places in a single year, a sign that the differences between programs are so small that they are Insignificant And many of the ranked schools are tied in their positions, with half a dozen schools in a tie for 21st place and eight closed schools in 47th place.

The big winners in the top 100

There were some dramatic gains year after year gained by some online business school programs in this year's US ranking, including an 85-point jump by Sanford University to finish 72nd since 157th. These are some of the biggest winners, not including schools that did not even reach a year earlier.

U.S. News’ 2017 Ranking Of The Best Online MBAs