Saturday, December 31, 2016

All about mba: Preparing the Application

Each school is different, so you should carefully read the application instructions. In general, you should consider a year to have time to do everything you need, especially if you work and have little time available. The first thing you should do is prepare for the GMAT, the entrance exam required by all recognized MBA programs. If you have long since been in school, you must take a preparation course, but you can also take online practice exams.

All about mba Preparing the Application

Then start researching about the programs. Determine if you have a geographical preference, whether you want to be in a large city or a small town, whether you want to be in an immense program with thousands of students, or in a smaller, community-focused program. Then reduce your search to 10 programs. Do not choose based solely on the school classification, as this will not tell you much about the type of community in which you will live or about the specialization of schools. By having a few schools on your favorite list, check out the websites, write to them for more information, and to see if you can get in touch with current students or with school or industry members in your country or industry. They are the best sources of information.

Other areas of preparation are a good level of English language and quantitative skills. You need to be confident of your ability to speak, listen and write the language, as you deal with people from all over the world and who will have different accents, speak quickly and use idioms. You should also familiarize yourself with the business terms in English. The first month can be overwhelming, but then you will feel more comfortable. However, the MBA program is not the place to learn English if you have never taken a calculus, accounting or economics class, you must enroll in one or all of these classes at a local university or take online classes. This will make your life much easier when you enter a management school.

What you must do next is to decide who will give you the letters of recommendation. Most schools will want a letter from their current job supervisor. If that is not possible, talk to a former supervisor, customer, or salesperson. Some schools want a letter from a university professor who has known him well. The most important thing to remember, is that the person who recommends it, must be specific in two things: (1) The school that is requesting and that is what they ask for; And (2) the specific ways in which you have had an impact on the company and how you work with others. Schools are not strictly interested in technical skills (in addition to their analytical skills), but if they are looking for people who are proactive, demonstrate initiative, have problem solving skills, and have good interpersonal relationships. Also do not forget to inform the deadline to send the letter to the person who is going to give the letter of recommendation.

Some schools also require one interview, while others do not. If you have the opportunity to meet with the school, this is your opportunity to shine and show them who you are in person. It may be a good idea to visit the schools to which you sent your application, if possible, before the application date. Why? Because each school has a very different personality and, if you are going to be there for two years, you'd better be sure that you will feel comfortable and that there are enough support services available to you. Also investigate how much access you have with teachers, what opportunities there are to get involved, and of course, the effectiveness of the career office and which companies recruit at that school.

Think about the quality of life when making the decision of your MBA. It is important because an MBA education is not just for two years and it is not just on campus. The relationships you develop in an MBA program last because they were formed with quality of life experiences. Throughout your career, you will continue to benefit from the personal relationships your school encourages.

Friday, December 30, 2016

MBA Programs in the United States

Decide and Apply

Most MBA programs in the United States last for 2 years, which for many people seems too long. Why spend another year abroad and outside the workplace, when one year is enough? The answer is that the MBA program was created by the United States to truly experience the experience of an MBA program; You must go to the United States to study. Studying and living in the United States will give you a better understanding of the way business is done here, but you will also meet classmates from all over the world who will expand your information about the world market. Also, the MBA program in the United States is theoretical and practical, with practical application of theory. But these are not the only reasons.

MBA Programs in the United States

There are many factors to consider when evaluating an MBA program in the United States. For example, the training of two years is extensive and thorough. You will learn about the fundamental competencies of each functional area, including marketing, finance, strategies, organizational management, technology management and operations management, communication and negotiation skills and conflict resolution. You will then have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in any of these areas and explore other possibilities such as real estate, entrepreneurship, non-profit management or health care management.

Most major MBA programs in the United States require work experience, this can range from 2 to 5 years, depending on the school. This is an important aspect that should be taken into account when viewing all MBA programs. You should consider the skills already acquired and what you need to get what you want to achieve. Do you really need to know what the exact career path will be? Yes and no. Yes, because you need to have a plan and you need to know what direction to take. However, every year we see students coming up with an idea and then discovering a job they did not know existed. This is the reason why of all the professional titles available, the MBA is the one that has more profit and greater return on the investment.

With the knowledge acquired in the MBA program, you will have the possibility of having greater flexibility in your career path in the future. For example, you can start with finances, but at any time you can present yourself with an unexpected opportunity to start your own business. A business project requires skills in all functional areas, not just in finance. Or you may want to participate in private equity or venture capital firms, in which case your MBA education will allow you to analyze and interpret facts and information to facilitate investment decision making.

Being in a two-year program gives you a deeper relationship with your peers, graduates, and teachers. These relationships will last a lifetime, and when the economy is bad, as it is now, these special connections can provide support and job opportunities, which otherwise, would not. Also, the traditional two-year program integrates a summer internship. This gives students the opportunity to try out a new area to see if they stick to their goals and values, and if they do not, they will not waste their time focusing on a full-time job that is not right for them. For other students, it is the opportunity to integrate into a non-profit position or work in a company that is in its initial stage and gain additional experience in their field of study.

All about MBA

An MBA is a Master in Business Administration. The MBA acronym comes from the denomination of the Master in Business Administration, since this type of masters comes from the United States. It is a general master's degree in which all areas of business administration are studied in depth: accounting, finance, strategy, marketing, operations, leadership, etc. In all business schools the same subjects are usually studied, however, each school designs its own program, which makes it different from the rest. 

All about MBA

There are different types of MBA. The classic MBA is full-time, and is done with a few years of professional experience. There is also the Executive MBA (EMBA), which is an MBA that is performed with more years of professional experience and part time (without stopping work). In recent years, other modalities such as MBA part-time, Online MBA, and others have emerged. 

There are schools for all types of profiles. In top-ranked schools, getting admission is not easy and requires testing, writing essays, giving letters of recommendation, and conducting intake interviews.